
Thermo Scientific Evolution 60S UV-Visible Spectrophotometer

Built on the foundation of 60 years of experience in spectroscopy, the Thermo Scientific Evolution 60S UV-Visible spectrophotometer provides exceptional performance at an affordable price. Use the power of 1.0 nm resolution to take your measurements to the next level of clarity. Whether your application is research or routine analysis, you can count on the Evolution™ 60S for accurate and reliable data .

Evolution 60S Specifications

Operating Principle: Fully automated, sample oriented, random access analyzer

Capacity: photometric tests/hour: up to 200

On-board capacity: Combined sample and reagent disk with 9- or 18-position sample racks and 6-     position reagent racks; max. 6 racks

Sample volume: 2-120μL

Reagent volume: 2-240μL (1 to 4 reagent additions/test)

Reaction volume: 120-300μL

Incubator: 9 x 10-position single-use cuvettes, total 90 cuvette positions

Photometer: 12 filter positions

Absorbance range: 0-3.5A

Water consumption: 1.5L/hr.

Workstation: separate PC

Power consumption: 250w

Dimensions (D x W x H): 27.6 x 29.5 x 24.4 in. (70 x 75 x 62cm)

Weight: 187 lb. (85kg)

Product Information PDF

Evolution 60S